Friday, October 21, 2005

Office space

finally, i have my own office.

it's great. i love it. it's quiet, and neat (can you believe it?), no one steals my stuff, no one is whining their stupid heads off in my ear, no one is complaining that they're stupid and worthless and not going anywhere with their lives, broads aren't ranting about their 5 baby daddies and how they have PFA papers out on one of them, people aren't telling me grotesque stories about who they've nailed and where (i've never met a bunch of more unattractive people who have all had sex with each other) i haven't heard "oh my god, i hate this job" in 2 days, and finally....

there's the quiet.

ahh the quiet.

and best of get to me, people have to go through 3 doors. one that they need a key to get into after 6pm, one they need badge access to, and another one (my door) that they also need a key to. no one who would bother me has access to any of these doors.

ahhh the greatness of security.


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