Thursday, October 06, 2005

So here I am...

first post.
what do i say on these things?
i hope this doesn't become an obession.
you know, when you constantly want to do something/see someone/create something/an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.

will i sit in português class wondering what i will post next?
will i wake up at3:17 in the morning with a absolutely brillant idea that i MUST get down on paper - only i will not put it on paper - i will "blog it"?
will i spend endless hours pouring over these words that i write, critiquing them, revamping them - only to constantly be dissatisfied with my words, therefore completely defeating the purpose of the free write which is what this is supposed to be?
will i?

probably not *sonrisa*

tudo legal! eu vou agora...


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